
Represents the specific details of a Participant's funding, i.e. NDIS Funding or Home Care Package.

Depending on your Maica package, this Data Object may be called Plan in your organisation

Fields & Relationships

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of all fields and relationships for the Funding object in Maica. Please refer to the table below for detailed information.

Click here to view and download the complete Funding Schema.

Validation Rules

The list below outlines the Validation Rules applied to the Funding Object in Maica.

Please refer to the list below for more detailed information on each Validation Rule.

End Date Must Be After Start Date

This rule ensures that the End Date is after the Start Date.

Validation Rule Detail

Rule Name


Error Message

VAL_0001: The End Date must be after the Start Date.

Error Location

End Date

Error Condition Formula
maica_cc__Start_Date__c  > maica_cc__End_Date__c

Claim Period Required When Funding Source is Home Care Package

Ensures that the Claim Period is provided when the Funding Source is Home Care Package.

Validation Rule Detail

Rule Name


Error Message

VAL_0002: Please ensure that the Claim Period is provided when the Funding Source is HCP.

Error Location

Top of Page

Error Condition Formula
ISPICKVAL(maica_cc__Funding_Source__c, "Home Care Package"),
ISPICKVAL(maica_cc__Claim_Period__c, "")



The list below outlines the Flows applied to the Funding Object in Maica.

Please refer to the list below for more detailed information on each Flow.

Plan Date Change Email Notification

This flow is designed to send an email notification when the start or end date of a Funding record changes.

Flow Detail

Flow Label

Maica - Funding Date Change Email Notification Flow

API Name



Autolaunched Flow

Flow Summary

  • This flow sends an email notification when the start or end date of a funding record changes.

  • It determines the recipient based on the email settings.

  • Sends the email using a specified template.

  • Triggers on the update of a funding record.

  • Runs asynchronously after the record is saved.

Flow Description
  1. Start (Record-Triggered Flow):

    • The flow is triggered upon the update of a funding record.

    • The flow runs asynchronously after the record is saved.

    • Proceeds to a fake assignment to fix a packaging issue.

  2. Fake Assignment (Assignment):

    • This step exists to ensure the flow runs properly due to a packaging issue.

    • Proceeds to the decision step to check if the email template in the email setting is null.

  3. Is Template in Email Setting Null? (Decision):

    • Checks if the templateFromEmailSetting is null.

    • No: If the template is not null, proceeds to the decision step to determine the email recipient.

    • Yes: Ends the flow.

  4. To whom should this message be delivered? (Decision):

    • Checks the recipient from the email setting and determines who should receive the email.

    • Recipient In Email Setting Equals Current Participant Owner: Assigns the participant owner's ID to UserIdToSendEmail and proceeds to send the email.

    • Recipient In Email Setting Equals User And User Id In Email Setting Is Not Null: Assigns the user ID from the email setting to UserIdToSendEmail and proceeds to send the email.

  5. Set Plan Participant Owner Id (Assignment):

    • Assigns the participant owner's ID to UserIdToSendEmail.

    • Proceeds to send the email.

  6. Set User Id (Assignment):

    • Assigns the user ID from the email setting to UserIdToSendEmail.

    • Proceeds to send the email.

  7. Send Email (Apex Action):

    • Calls the SendEmailInvocable Apex action to send the email.

    • Passes the email template, from email address, and recipient ID as input parameters.

    • Ends the flow.

Trigger Handlers

The list below outlines the Trigger Handlers applied to the Funding Object in Maica.

Please refer to the list below for more detailed information on each Trigger Handler.

Funding Record Adjust Recurring Invoices

This trigger is designed to manage the adjustment of recurring invoices for plans in Maica.


Load Order




Execution, Logic & Outcome

Execution of Trigger Logic:

The trigger logic defined in the FundingAdjustRecurringInvoices_MDTM class is executed when the trigger conditions are met. The class contains the code that manages the adjustment process for recurring invoices.

  • Trigger Conditions:

    • When a new funding record (maica_cc__Funding__c) is created.

    • When an existing funding record is updated.

    • Any specific field changes that are monitored by the trigger (defined in the handler class).

Logic Explanation

  1. Initialisation:

    • When a plan record is created or updated, the trigger is initialised. The FundingAdjustRecurringInvoices_MDTM metadata type configuration is loaded, ensuring that the trigger is active (Active__c is true) and has the correct load order (Load_Order__c is 1.0).

  2. Trigger Execution:

    • Upon initialisation, the trigger executes the logic defined in the FundingAdjustRecurringInvoices_MDTM class.

    • The class methods perform the following steps:

      • Validation: The funding record data is validated to ensure it is complete and accurate.

      • Adjustment: Recurring invoices are adjusted based on changes to the funding record details, such as modifications to the services or billing frequency.

      • Update: The funding record is updated with the newly adjusted invoice data.

Trigger Outcome:

Once executed, the trigger ensures that recurring invoices for funding records are adjusted correctly, according to the logic specified in the handler class. This helps maintain accurate invoice data for funding records.

Last updated

Further Maica Resources
