Price List

The Price List object in Maica manages pricing information for your products or services.

Fields & Relationships

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of all fields and relationships for the Price List object in Maica. Please refer to the table below for detailed information.

Click here to view and download the complete Price List Schema.

Validation Rules

The list below outlines the Validation Rules applied to the Price List Object in Maica.

Please refer to the list below for more detailed information on each Validation Rule.

Price List End Date Cannot Be Before Start Date

This rule ensures that the Price List End Date is not before the Start Date.

Error Condition Formula
    maica_cc__End_Date__c < maica_cc__Start_Date__c

Price List Start Date Cannot Be After End Date

This rule ensures that the Price List Start Date is not after the End Date.

Error Condition Formula
    maica_cc__Start_Date__c > maica_cc__End_Date__c

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