Billing Management

Learn about Billing Management Settings in Maica

These settings determine how Maica manages Billing and its function throughout the application. Please refer to the below table for more information on each setting:


Service Time Prioritisation

Maica uses the date/time field(s) selected to determine the Appointment’s time bracket for billing purposes. You can select multiple values and their priority order (if the higher priority field has no value, the next field in descending order will be used).

Time Bracket Inclusivity

Define whether the Start or End of your defined Time Brackets are inclusive. When the Start is inclusive, Appointments starting on the bracket start value are included in that bracket. When End is inclusive, then Appointments ending on the bracket end value are included in that bracket. Typically the selected value should align to your selected billing priority date/time value. Eg. If inclusivity was set to “End”, an Appointment ended at 6:00am and your Night bracket ended at 6:00am and Day was set to start at 6:00am. The service would be considered as Night as opposed to Day. The reverse would be true if you selected “Start”.

Enable Rate Comparison

When this setting is enabled, Maica will compare the two Rates retrieved using the configured Service Time Prioritisation and Comparison values and return the one that matches your Rate Preference.

Service Time Prioritisation for Comparison

Required when you enable Rate Comparison. This value will be used to retrieve a Rate for comparison against the Rate retrieved from the prioritised Service Time.

Rate Preference

When Rate Comparison is enabled, Maica will use the selected value to determine which returned Rate is used for Appointment costing and billing.

Time Travel Cap (minutes)

If a value is provided in this setting, Maica will limit any time-based billable travel to the minutes specified here. If travel caps are specified at Service Agreement level, this will take priority over this global setting.

Chargeable Travel Cap (kms)

If a value is provided in this setting, Maica will limit any non time-based billable travel to the kms specified here. If travel caps are specified at Service Agreement level, this will take priority over this global setting.

Short Notice Cancellation Period (days)

When Appointments are cancelled, Maica marks any associated Delivery Activities as cancelled for potential billing. This setting determines the period in which a cancellation will be billed, for example setting this to 4 means any Appointment within 4 days of the scheduled start date will be billed to the Participant.

Invoice Auto-Creation

This determines how Invoices and Invoice Line Items are generated; options include Manual or Schedule. If Manual is selected, an authorised user will generate all required Invoices and Invoice Line Items.

Schedule Frequency

If Schedule is selected in the Invoice Auto-Creation setting, this determines the frequency at which Invoices and Invoice Line Items are generated.

Schedule Start Date

If Schedule is selected in the Invoice Auto-Creation setting, this determines the start date of the Invoice and Invoice Line Item generation process.

Schedule Time

If Schedule is selected in the Invoice Auto-Creation setting, this determines the time at which Invoices and Invoice Line Items are generated.

Invoice Flow

If Schedule is selected in the Invoice Auto-Creation setting, this determines the actual Salesforce Flow to be used to generate Invoices and Invoice Line Items. This could either be the native Maica Flow or any developed custom Flow.

Service Delivery Date Mapping

This determines the date from the Appointment being used on the Invoice Line Item, for example Schedule Start or Actual Start.

Ratio Calculation Base Settings

When Maica generates Invoice Line Items, the Total Amount = Quantity * Unit Price. It is possible to set the preference on how the Quantity and Unit Price are calculated using these settings, as per the below calculation logic:

If (Billing Management.RatioCalculationBase is equal to `Unit Price`) Then

  If (Number of Participants is equal to 1) and (Number of Resources is equal to 1) Then

    Qty = Appointment Duration (Hours)

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price

  End If

  If (Number of Participants is equal to 1) and (Number of Resources is greater than 1) Then

    Qty = Appointment Duration (Hours) * Number of Resources

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price 

  End If

  If (Number of Participants is greater than 1) and (Number of Resources is equal to or greater than 1) Then - this will create an Invoice Line Item for each Participant

    Qty = Appointment Duration * Number of resources

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price / Number of Participants

  End If

End If
If (Billing Management.RatioCalculationBase is equal to `Quantity`) Then

  If (Number of Participants is equal to 1) and (Number of Resources is equal to 1) Then

    Qty = Appointment Duration (Hours)

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price

  End If

  If (Number of Participants is equal to 1) and (Number of Resources is greater than 1) Then

    Qty = Appointment Duration (Hours) * Number of Resources

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price

  End If

  If (Number of Participants is greater than 1) and (Number of Resources is equal to or greater than 1) Then - this will create an Invoice Line Item for each Participant

    Qty = (Duration * Number of Resources)/Number of Participants

    Unit Price = Service Unit Price

  End If

End If

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