Service Management

Learn about Service Management Settings in Maica

These settings determine how Maica manages Appointments or Shifts and their function throughout the application. Please refer to the below table for more information on each setting:

The Service Management settings sections is divided into Appointment and Shift sections and the below tables describe both the individual as well as commonly shared settings.

Individualised Settings (for Appointments and Shifts)


Default Status

This sets the status of the Appointment or Shift when it is first created.

Appointment and Shift

Default Type

This sets the type of the Appointment or Shift when it is first created.

Appointment and Shift

Default Duration (minutes)

This sets the duration of the Appointment or Shift when it is first created in minutes, for example 60 minutes.

Appointment and Shift

Default Appointment Resource Status

When allocating Resources to an Appointment or Shift, it is possible to set the status of this allocation to a default value, for example Approved. This setting determines what this status will be when the Appointment or Shift is first created.

Appointment and Shift

Cancellation Claim Type

When Appointments are cancelled, Maica sets the associated Delivery Activities to a cancelled status instead of deleting them. This is done via a Claim Type for any NDIS-funded Service Agreements. This setting determines which Claim Type Maica will use when cancelling Delivery Activities.


Default Sections

An Appointment or Shift can render mutliple section, for example Location or Schedule. This is typically determined by the selected Appointment or Shift Service when selected. This setting defines what sections are set by default, in the absence on a selected Appointment or Shift Service.

Appointment and Shift

Custom Fields

Maica allows you to configure a number of custom fields (Salesforce fields you have configured outside of the core Maica package) and include these into the Appointment or Shift management experience. This setting defines what fields, including your own custom fields, will be shown when the Appointment or Shift is created/managed.

Appointment and Shift

Show Appointment Cost

Maica calculates the cost of an Appointment to the Participant based on the identified Service Agreement to indicate if the required funding is available. This setting determines, in conjunction with a permission set, if the cost of Appointment will be shown when an Appointment is either created or managed.


Show Accommodation

When managing Locations for an Appointment, this setting determines if any related Accomodation records are shown for selection. This is usually applicable to residential care scenarios.


Enable Appointment Files

This setting determines if Appointment or Shift files, such as photos, are available to be attached during the management of either Appointments or Shifts.

Appointment and Shift

Enable Appointment Breaks

This setting enables the ability for a user to record Appointment or Shift breaks during the management of an Appointment or Shift.

Appointment and Shift

Auto-Schedule Appointment Creator

When creating either an Appointment or a Shift, Maica is able to preset the allocated Resource to be the logged in user. The typical use case for this is when your care workers manage their own Appointments or Shifts. This setting determines if the Resource is preset when an Appointment or Shift is first created.

Appointment and Shift

Allow Participant Overlap

This allows Maica to create overlapping Appointments for Participants, in other words, a Particpant may have more than one Appointment at the same date and time.


Allow Resource Overlap

This allows Maica to create overlapping Appointments or Shifts for Resources, in other words, a Resource may have more than one Appointment or Shift at the same date and time.

Appointment and Shift

Overlap Appointment Exclusion Status

This determines which Appointment or Shift status values are excluded from this validation, for example: if Cancelled is selected, all Appointments or Shifts with the status of Cancelled will be ignored by the validation and can therefore be overlapped regardless.

Appointment and Shift

Checklist Behaviour

This setting enables Maica to automate the addition of all relevant Checklists, based on Appointment Service, to an Appointment or Shift when it is first created.

Appointment and Shift

Checklist Permissions

This setting either presents all available Checklists to the user for adding to an Appointment/Shift or only shows the Checklists that are part of the selected Appointment Service(s).

Appointment and Shift

Appointment Service Filters

This setting either filters the available Appointment Services based on what is funded via a Service Agreement or shows all Appointment Services regardless of funding.


Other Settings (applicable to both Appointments and Shifts)


Agreement Expiry Tolerance (days)

Maica validates Appointments against a Participant's Service Agreement to ensure that sufficient funding is available to deliver the proposed services. This validation includes checking if any given Service Agreement is expired. This setting allows Maica to still consider an expired Service Agreement within a certain number of day following the expiry date, for example: if set to 30 then Maica will consider a Service Agreement to be active for up to 30 days after the expiry date.

Recurring Schedule Calculation Range

Show Summary on Quick Complete

When quick-completing an Appointment or Shift, Maica can optionally show a summary screen which allows to the user to correct any delivery durations or quantities. This setting determines if this summary screen is shown when quick-completing.

Participants Rollup Flow

Maica offers a Salesforce Flow that enumerates all Participants on an Appointment which can then be included into the cell description. This setting specifies this Flow which can be changed or amdended as needed.

Resources Rollup Flow

Maica offers a Salesforce Flow that enumerates all Resources on an Appointment or Shift which can then be included into the cell description. This setting specifies this Flow which can be changed or amdended as needed.

Check-Out Behaviour

When checking out of an Appointment or a Shift, all delivered Appointment/Shift Services can either be marked as Completed or Not Completed by default. If marked as Not Completed, the user is required to manually set each Appointment/Shift Service to Completed during the checkout process. This setting determines which status all delivered Appointment/Shift Services will have when checking out.

Enable Appointment Tolerance Violation Policy

Maica has the ability to validate if Appointments or Shifts are delivered as they are meant to. This means the care worker checks in on time, runs the Appointment/Shift to the required duration and checks out at the right time. This setting determines if Maica validates Appointments or Shifts using this logic.

Duration Tolerance (Minutes)

This determines how many minutes the Appointment or Shift can be varied by before it is considered violated, for example: if set to 30 then any Appointment or Shift that has a duration of more than 30 minutes over the scheduled duration will be considered violated and placed Under Review.

Scheduled vs Actual Tolerance (Minutes)

This determines how many minutes the Appointment or Shift can be varied during either check-in or check-out by before it is considered violated, for example: if set to 30 then any Appointment or Shift that has is checked into or checked out of more than 30 minutes over the scheduled time will be considered violated and placed Under Review.

Last updated

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