Travel Management

Learn about Travel Management Settings in Maica

These settings determine how Maica manages Validation and its function throughout the application. Please refer to the below table for more information on each setting:


Enable Travel Management

This either enables the automated travel calculation or disables it which then means that all travel will be calculated either manually or via custom-developed logic.

Reimbursement Rate

This is the financial rate used to generate the expense claim record for any Resource during the management of travel costs.

Default Expense Status

When Maica generates expense claim records for any Resource, this sets the default status used for such expenses.

Chargable Travel

This determines which parts of travel are to be charged to a Participant's Service Agreement; options included Only charge to the Appointment, Only charge from the Appointment, Don't charge, Charge for travel to and from the Appointment.

Payable Travel

This determines which parts of travel are to be paid to any Resource as an expense; options included Only pay to the Appointment, Only pay from the Appointment, Don't pay, Pay for travel to and from the Appointment.

Travel Claim Type

When Maica automatically generates an additional Appointment Service (if selected below), which is used for billing, this is the Claim Type being used for this service.

Travel Timesheet Activity

When Maica generates an corresponding Timesheet Activity for travel, this determines which Support Item (marked as a Timesheet Activity) will be used.

Previous/Next Appointment Timespan (days)

Maica uses Google to calculate travel times between a source and destination; these can be various options such as Current Location, Primary Location, Manual Address, and Previous Appointment. This setting determines how far back (in Days) Maica goes to find any applicable previous Appointment.

Time-Based Cost Management & Non-Time Based Cost Management

When managing billable travel, there are two foundational components to this process, including time-based (such as the time taken to travel for Appointments) and non time-based (such as the kms travelled for Appointments) cost management. There are principally two ways to manage this; the first one being the cloning of an Appointment Service associated with any given Appointment and setting a specific Claim Type. The second is the addition of a seperate Appointment Service to any given Appointment.

These settings determine, for each Funding Structure which way Maica will generate the relevant billing records for travel.

When Claim Type is selected, the Claim Type is used to find any Appointment Service within the Appointment that supports this Claim Type for the purposes of billing.

For example:

If the Claim Type is set to Provider Travel, then Maica will identify any Appointment Service associated with the Appointment that supports Provider Travel and use this Appointment Service to create a corresponding billing item (Invoice Line Item).


Funding Type

Funding Structure

For each combination of Funding Type and Funding Structure, such as NDIS -> Agency Managed or HCP -> Home Care Packages, this determines which method Maica will use to bill for travel.

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