Invoice Line Item Overview

Learn about Invoice Line Item's in Maica

What is an Invoice Line Item?

An Invoice Line Item is a specific entry on an Invoice that details a particular service provided, including its Quantity, Amount, Support Category, etc.

Invoice Line Item Key Terms and Components

Whilst working with Invoice Line Item(s), you will come across a number of key terms and related components. The table below describes each of those in further detail:

Key Term Type Description

Related Object

A Payment Request is a Related Object to an Invoice Line Item that is dynamically created after a Claim has been made for that particular Line Item. It represents an attempt to make a Claim from PRODA. It contains details of the Request, including the Claim Date, Claim Amount, etc.

Line Total


This field represents the total of the GST Amount + Amount.

Claim Type


A Claim Type refers to a specific category or nature of a service or charge associated with an Invoice Line Item.

Claim Count


This field represents the number of Payment Requests submitted to PRODA to claim the funds. For example, if you only got Partially Paid on your first request and you submit another one, the Claim Count would be 2.

Paid Amount


This field represents the total value of the Invoice Line Item paid from PRODA. For example, if you submitted a Claim for a Invoice Line Item with a Line Total of $100 and only got paid $70, the Paid Amount would show $70

Claim Balance


This field represents the difference between the Paid Amount and the Line Total. Hence, in the example above, the Claim Balance would be $30.



This field represents the multiplication value of any particular Unit Price within a Line Item. For example, if you charged a Service for $50 and set your Quantity to 2 (to perhaps represent 2 hours), this would set your Line Item amount to $100.

Invoice Line Item Statuses

Entry Conditions

In order for a Status to be set for an Invoice Line Item, first the Claim Type must be Agency Managed. In scenarios where the Claim Type is not Agency Managed, no Status will be set.


Whilst working with Invoice Line Item(s), you will notice a Status Bar at the top of the page, as shown below. The default stage for an Agency Managed Invoice Line Item is Entered.

Similar to Invoice(s), these Statuses outline the stage of the lifecycle any particular Invoice Line Item will be in at any particular time. In Maica, the Status is adjusted dynamically depending on a range of factors and logic that are described below, and explained in further detail here.

StatusDescription Logic


The Invoice Line Item has been created and recorded in the system but has not yet been processed for claiming or payment.

Line Total > 0 AND Claim Count = 0 AND Claim Balance Formula = Line Total AND Paid Amount = 0


The Invoice Line Item has been submitted for Claiming.

Line Total > 0 AND Claim Count > 0 AND Paid Amount = 0

Partially Paid

A portion of the amount for the Invoice Line Item has been paid, but there is still an outstanding balance.

Line Total > 0 AND Claim Count > 0 AND Paid Amount > 0 AND Claim Balance Formula > Paid Tolerance Formula AND Paid Amount < Line Total

For Fully Paid status, please refer to the following Condition Logic:

Condition Logic
1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4)

This logic evaluates whether conditions 1 and 2 are true, and then checks if either condition 3 or condition 4 is true. All parts of the logic must be satisfied for the overall condition to be true: both 1 and 2 must be true, and in addition, either 3 or 4 must also be true.

StatusDescription Logic

Fully Paid

The entire amount for the Invoice Line Item has been paid in full, and no further payment is required.

  1. Line Total > 0 AND

  2. Claim Count > 0 AND

  3. Paid Amount >= 0 AND

  4. Claim Balance Formula >= Paid Tolerance Formula

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