Maica Key Concepts

Learn all about the key concepts and terms used within the Maica solution.

Whilst using Maica, you will come across a number of key terms so this articles aims to provide the necessary insights into the meaning of each of those.

Key TermDescription

A Participant is the person receiving services under the context of a Service Agreement. This includes information such as personal details, funding information, notes, preferences, among many others.

A Resource is the person delivering the services, such as a care worker, physio, nurse, etc. This includes information such as personal details, availability, skills, among many others.

An Asset is a non-human Resource, such as a room, car, or medical equipment. Anything that needs to be scheduled or managed outside of your actual care team can be considered an Asset within Maica.

A Service Agreement is a critical concept in Maica as this forms the financial structure under which services are delivered (via Appointments). Any Participant receiving services must have a valid Service Agreement in place; this means the Service Agreement dates must fall within the date of the service and the relevant funding items must be present.

An Appointment Service is a critical concept in Maica as this forms the structure under which services (via Appointments) are delivered and then billed. An Appointment Service groups a set of related Support Items (by Service Day, Service Time and Support Category) which Maica then uses for billing.

An Appointment is the primary process by which Maica allows you to deliver direct services to Participants. Appointments capture information on Participants, Resources, Appointment Services, and many other elements to bring together the delivery of direct services.

A Shift is the primary process by which Maica allows you to roster Resources for certain times at certain locations. This includes the ability to generate recurring rosters across various time periods. Shifts capture information on Resources, Shift Services, Location, and many other elements to bring together the rostering of your care team.

A Delivery Activity is the key output of a delivered service (via Appointments); this record links the service delivery to the billing engine with references to the Service Agreement and Invoices. This can be considered an adminstrative record but an important concept to understand.

A Checklist consists of a numbef of Checklist Item that can be assigned to either Appointments or Shifts and shown to the end user either before, during, or after an Appointment or Shift for completion.

An Invoice represents the billing process used by Maica for various fundung structures, including the NDIS and Aged Care. Invoices are automatically generated by the Maica billing engine based on Service Agreement, Appointments, and Delivery Activities.

A Support Item is the product (or service) being delivered to a Participant, such as a physiotherapy massage or a wheelchair. Anything that is to be billed under a Participant's Service Agreement will be managed as a Support Item by Maica.

Maica offers a setting to rename of these key terms to your preference, for example, if you want to rename Maica Participants to Clients, the settings allows for this to happen.

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