Appointment Actions

Discover the Appointments Actions possible in Maica.

What are Appointment Actions?

Appointment actions refer to actions and tasks related to managing and handling your Appointment. There are several actions you can take within an Appointment in Maica, including the following:

How do I access the Appointment Actions?

In order to begin actioning an Appointment, simply click on the Appointment in your Planner, then click the View button. Once the Appointment is showing, the available Appointment Actions (depending on your Appointment Status), will be visible on the bottom of the window, other than the Open Appointment Profile action, which is in the top right corner, as shown below.

Some Actions are also available from the Appointment Quick Information dialog, as shown below. The Quick Information Actions are accessible simply by clicking the Appointment and without having to open the entire module.

Shift Actions Visibility based on Shift Status

The visibility of the Appointment actions are dependant on the status of the Appointment. Please refer to the table below to learn which action is available for each Appointment status.

Last updated