Participant View

Learn about the Participant View in Maica

What information does the Participant View display?

The Participant View is organised by Participants. In Calendar Mode, it shows all Appointment and Shift related Planner information, and in Timeline Mode it organises all Appointments and Shifts by associated Participants.

You have the option to display both unfilled Appointments and Appointments with allocated Participant(s). To learn more, click here.

Calendar Mode

On Calendar Mode, Participant View will display your Planner with the above information within a grid based on the days and hours of the selected period.

Timeline Mode

On Timeline Mode, Participant View will organise your Planner by Participant(s). This will display all of the Participant(s) that have Appointments populated on the left , and all of their associated Appointments on the right.

When you make an Appointment from Timeline Mode in Participant View, the Appointment will be pre-populated with the Participant of the row on which you created it.

You can also display all Participant(s), not just those with allocated Appointments. To learn more, click here. Please note, Maica defines a Participant as a Contact with an active Service Agreement. Contacts without an active Service Agreement will not be displayed.

Last updated