Credit an Invoice

Learn how to Credit an Invoice in Maica

Crediting Functionality

In the course of processing invoices, errors may occasionally occur, such as submitting a Payment Request with incorrect details, such as the wrong Support Category, Quantity, or Amount. Maica’s Credit Management functionality allows for the easy correction of these discrepancies.

The Credit Management functionality allows you to Cancel a Payment Request that is in the status of Payment Pending or Paid.

As part of this process, it is essential to understand how the NDIS handles a Payment Request once it has been cancelled in PRODA. The following text outlines this:

  • If you cancel a Payment Request with a Status of Pending Payment, the Payment Request will not be processed.

  • If you cancel a Payment Request with a Status of Paid, the Agency may:

    • Send you an invoice requesting repayment of the cancelled amount or

    • Offset your future payment requests against the cancelled amount

This text is also displayed within the Credit Management tool under NDIS Cancellation Process. It is not unique to Maica and comes from the NDIS, however it has been displayed within Maica for clarity.

This function is only available via the API. If you manage your claiming process via the BPR File, you need to manually Cancel the Payment Request in Maica and PRODA.

How do I Credit an Invoice?

In Maica, you can Credit an Invoice through the Credit Quick Action found in the dropdown menu located in the top right corner of your interface, as shown below.

However, in order to be able to Credit an Invoice, two conditions must be met:

  1. Funding Structure = Agency Managed

  2. Status not equal Entered OR Cancelled

If these two conditions are met, you should see the Credit button within the dropdown, as shown below.

You can also Credit numerous Invoices at once if necessary. To do so, pick them in the Invoice list view from the Invoices tab in the Maica menu, and then click the Credit Management icon in the upper right corner of the interface. Follow the same steps outlined below.

Once you have clicked the Credit button, you will be presented with the Credit Management pop-up.

The Credit Management tool is divided into two sections.

  1. NDIS Cancellation Process

  2. Selected Invoices

As mentioned above, the NDIS Cancellation Process is shown for clarity. It explains how the NDIS handles a Payment Request once it has been cancelled in PRODA.

The Selected Invoices section displays a list of all Invoices that have been selected to be Credited (if done through the Credit Management option, there may be numerous). Each Invoice will be a dropdown with all the Invoice Line Items and associated Payment Requests that are selectable for Cancellation in order to Credit your Invoice. This is shown below.

From here, simply select the desired Payment Requests you wish to Cancel and click the Credit button in the bottom corner of the interface, as shown below.

The Credit amount is the Sum of all the Paid Amounts from the selected Payment Requests.

After completion, you will notice a green tick next to the Payment Request line, and the Payment Request Status in Maica will be updated to Cancelled.

If the Payment Request had a previous status of Paid, you will either receive an Invoice from the NDIA, or the amount will be offset against a future Payment Request.

Last updated