Basic Filters

Learn about the Basic Planner Filters in Maica

What are the Basic Filters in Maica?

Once you have chosen the Filter from the Planner, you may switch between Basic and Advanced Filters. The table below describes the Basic Filters in more depth.

Please keep in mind that some Filter options will apply to either Appointments or Shifts depending on what View your Planner is in. As a general rule; Schedule, Participant, Asset and Accomodation Views apply to Appointments, whilst Roster and Shift Views apply to Shifts.



This refers to the type of Appointment or Shift you are wanting to see in the Planner, such as Booking.


This refers to the Status of the Appointment or Shift you are wanting to see in the Planner, such as Scheduled or Completed.

Unavailability Status

This filters the Status on the Unavailability records shown in the Planner, such as Approved. Please note, this Filter is only filtering Unavailability records, all other Appointments and Shifts will not be impacted.

Resource Skills

This filters Resources based on associated Skills, such as the ability to Administer Medication. This filter is particularly relevant on Schedule View in Timeline Mode, when the Planner is organised by Resource.


This filters Appointments based on the Location at which they are being held; this Location is recorded against an Appointment as an address or a lookup to a Location record.

Appointment or Shift Services

This refers to the associated Appointment or Shift Services for any given Appointment or Shift; this means you can filter based on what services are being delivered.

Show Unfilled Appointments or Shifts

Maica considers an Unfilled Appointment or Shift any Appointment or Shift that does not have the required number of Resources or Participants allocated to match the required number. This filter option allows you display your unfilled Appointments or Shifts on the Planner.

Show only Unfilled Appointments or Shifts

This filter allows you to only display Unfilled Appointments or Shifts. This may be beneficial when completling or finalising your roster to see which Appointments or Shifts require attention.

Show only records with Appointments

When in Timeline Mode, this filter allows you to only show rows for records with associated Appointments during the selected time period; this means if you had a Resource with no Appointments for the selected, they would not show in your Planner if this was toggled on.

Show only my Participants

When using the Resource Participant related list in the Resource Profile, it is possible to assign certain Participants to a particular Resource. This filter allows you to only see the Participants assigned to you as the logged on User/Resource.


This allows you to select a number of specific Participants and only see their associated Appointments or Shifts in the Planner.

Show only my Appointments or Shifts

This will automatically only show the Appointments or Shifts in which the logged on User/Resource is allocated.

Resources or Assets

This allows you to select a number of specific Resources and/or Assets and only see their associated Appointments or Shifts in the Planner.

Show where Participants and Resources match

If you have selected specific Participants or Resources from the above filters, this filter will show only Appointments where both of them are allocated.

Please keep in mind that the Filter options available will vary depending on the View you select on your Planner. The table above shows all available Filter options.

Last updated