Advanced Filters

Learn about the Advanced Planner Filters in Maica

What are the Advanced Filters in Maica?

The Advanced Filters in Maica allow you filter through more specific attribute fields for your Appointments, Shifts, Participants or Resources.

How do you apply an Advanced Filter in Maica?

In order to show you how you apply an advanced filter in Maica, let's use an Appointment Attribute as an example:

1. Navigate to the Advanced Filter Tab

First, begin by selecting the Advanced menu option in the Planner filter, as shown below.

Here, we can see we have the option to Add Criteria for Appointment, Resource and Participant Attributes.

These available fields are determined by what View your Planner is in at the time of applying the filter.

As mentioned above, let's add an Appointment Attribute Criteria.

2. Add Criteria

Begin by simply clicking the Add Criteria link to create a New Criteria box, as shown below.

From here, you need to choose your field by clicking the Choose button.

3. Select Fields

After clicking the Choose button, you will be presented with the Field Selector module. Here, you can select the specific field you wish to filter by. For example, we may wish to filter by Location -> State, as shown below.

Once you have selected your desired field, hit the Select button to confirm.

4. Operator and Value

Finally, after selecting your field, you must select an Operator and a Value. These concepts are defined below:

  • Operator: An operator is a function that defines the relationship between two values (Field and Value). It determines how the two are compared, filtered, or evaluated, such as checking for equality, differences, or whether one value contains another.

  • Value: A value is a specific piece of data that corresponds to the selected field. It represents the actual option or information that will be used for comparison or filtering. So, in this case, the values are the possible states (e.g., ACT, NSW) for the field Location > State.

The values will automatically change based on the field selected.

So, using the selected field as an example, you could set your Operator and Value to the following:

  • Field: Location > State

  • Operator: equals

  • Value: NSW

This will filter the Planner to only show Appointments where the State in the Location field equals NSW.

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