Basic Details

Learn about capturing basic details for a new Appointment

What does the Basic Details stage include?

The Basic Details tab captures the basic details of the Appointment, as described in the below table:

Captured Information Description

This allows for the selection of Participant(s) by simply typing a name of a Participant (or multiple) or by clicking on the Filter icon which allows for Smart Selection of Participant(s).

This allows for the selection of Resource(s) by simply typing a name of a Resource (or multiple) or by clicking on the Filter icon which allows for Smart Selection of Resource(s).

This allows for the selection of Asset(s) by simply typing a name of a Asset (or multiple) or by clicking on the Filter icon which allows for Smart Selection of Asset(s).

Date & Time Details

The date and time details are pre-populated from the Planner so there is nothing to do for the user.

Claim Type

This allows for the selection of a Claim Type by selecting one from the provided dropdown list.

Things to look out for: Basic Details

1. Incorrect Ratio

This alert will show in the instance where you have an incorrect ratio. An incorrect ratio is a situation in which the number of selected Resource(s) or Participant(s) does not match the specified ratio number.

A ratio is an NDIS concept where the number of Resource(s) to Participant(s) for the Appointment, expressed as (Required Resources) : (Required Participants) e.g. 1 Resource supporting 3 Participants would be 1:3. To learn more about Ratios, click here

For example, if you have an incorrect ratio of Resource(s), Maica will alert you with the following warning:

The Appointment does not have the required number of Resources allocated.

In this instance, Maica will still allow you to continue to the next stage of creating your Appointment. However, it will result in an unfulfilled appointment. Upon completion, an unfulfilled appointment, like any appointment, will be billed against the Participant(s) Service Agreement based on the ratio, not the selected Resource(s).

In order to resolve the Incorrect Ratio alert, ensure that the number of selected Resource(s) and Participant(s) match the specified ratio. For example: If you have 2 resources allocated to your appointment, ensure your ratio number is set to 2.

2. Participant(s) have no Agreement for selected Appointment Service.

This alert will show in the instance where the selected Participant(s) have no Agreement for the selected Appointment Service. When this is the case, the Participant(s) will be marked in red (as shown) and the Next button will become unavailable. This is a restriction that Maica enforces where the user cannot continue to create the Appointment.

In order to resolve this alert, you must select an Appointment Service that the selected Participant(s) have an Agreement for and hence can be billed against after your Appointment is delivered.

When the Participant(s) have an Agreement for the selected Appointment Service, the alert will be replaced by the following:

  1. Provides an overview of the selected service and the available funding in the Participant(s) plan for said service.

  2. Indicates that the service will be billed against a Category Agreement Item

  3. Indicates that the service will be billed against a Statement Agreement Item

  4. Allows for multiple services to be added to the Appointment, as long as the selected Participant(s) have an Agreement for all Services being added.

3. Resource(s) have a Roster Mode conflict

This alert will show in the instance where the selected Resource(s) have a Roster Mode conflict and hence cannot be allocated to the proposed Appointment. This error is also a restriction that Maica enforces where the user cannot continue to create an Appointment.

Roster Mode in Maica is used to define the behaviour and validation applied when scheduling Appointments for a Resource. When selecting a Roster Mode for a Resource, there are two selectable options. These are:

  • Appointment: This means Appointments can be scheduled at any time for a Resource provided it is within any active Availability record(s) if these exist. If no Availability record(s) exist, Appointments can be created at any time.

  • Shift: This means Appointments can only be scheduled within a Shift that a Resource is part of and it is within any active Availability record(s) if these exist. If no Availability record(s) exist, Appointments still must fall within a Shift that the Resource is assigned to.

In order to resolve this alert, you must select Resource(s) that are set to a Roster Mode of Appointment during the time of the proposed Appointment, or, if they are set to Shift, the proposed Appointment must be scheduled during an active Shift for the allocated Resource(s).

It is important to note that if a Resource has a Roster Mode set on their Resource Record that is different to the Roster Mode set for a specific Availability Record, the Availability Record Mode will take precedent during the Availability period. If No Availability Records are found and the Roster Mode is not set on the Resource Record: the Roster Mode for the Resource will be defined by the Global Roster Mode setting. This is configurable in the Maica Rostering Management settings.

Last updated