Payment Request Overview

Learn about Payment Requests in Maica

What is a Payment Request Item?

A Payment Request is a Related Object to an Invoice Line Item that is dynamically created after a Claim has been made for that particular Line Item. It represents an attempt to make a Claim from PRODA. These records will be dynamically created, regardless of your nominated Claim Method (API or BPR File), however, the Claim Method will influence how these Payment Request records are updated with the subsequent claim information, such as Status and Paid Amount. Please refer below for more information.

Payment Request Key Terms and Components

Whilst working with Payment Request(s), you will come across a number of key terms and related components. The table below describes each of those in further detail:

Key Term Type Description

Payment Request History

Related Object

Payment Request History is a record of all actions and changes related to any specific Payment Request, including Change Date & Times, etc.

Claimed Amount


This represents the total amount of money submitted to PRODA.

Claim Date


This represents the date the claim was submitted to PRODA.

Reject Reason


If the Payment Request was rejected by PRODA, this field represents the reason (reason code) they provide.

Paid Amount


This represents the total amount of money paid by the PRODA. This could be the full or a partial amount of the Claimed Amount and is populated based on the Claim Method: API: Populated via the Remittance Notification. BPR File: Populate via the BPR Remittance File import.

Paid Date


This represents the date the Paid Amount was paid by PRODA, and is populated based on the Claim Method: API: Set to the date the Remittance Notification is received. BPR File: Set to the date the BPR Remittance File import is processed.

Not Paid Amount


This represents the amount not paid by PRODA. Or, the difference in the Claimed Amount and Paid Amount.

NDIS Reference


This represents the reference assigned to the Payment Request once it has been submitted for claiming via the API. This is provided in the response from the API and populated in Maica. To ensure consistency in the Payment Request records, the NDIS Reference will be populated with the Claim Reference when Claim Method is set to BPR File.

Claim Reference


This represents a formula field that generates a unique reference value that is used to identify the Payment Request when the Claim Method is set to BPR File.

Claim Reference Index


This is a replica of the Claim Reference field but instead is created as a Text (External ID) field to leverage Salesforce indexing and support working with large data volumes.

Last NDIS Sync


This represents the the Date & Time of the last sync with PRODA. It is only populated when the Claim Method is set to API.

Error Details


This stores the details of any unexpected errors returned in the API submission to PRODA. It is only populated when the Claim Method is set to API.

Payment Request Statuses?

Whilst working with Payment Request(s), you will notice a Status Bar at the top of the page, as shown below. In Maica, the Status is adjusted dynamically depending on a range of factors and logic that are described below.

Similar to Invoice(s), these Statuses outline the stage of the lifecycle any particular Payment Request will be in at any particular time. More detail on each Status is outlined in the table below:

StatusDescription Logic


The Payment Request has not been successfully submitted for processing to PRODA.

Set via the API response from PRODA. Not applicable when Claim Method is set to BPR File.


The Payment Request has been cancelled by a Maica user via the Credit Management QA (at the Invoice level) or the Cancel QA at the (Payment Request level).

Applies only when the Credit Management Quick Action is used at the Invoice level for API OR the Payment Request has been updated directly using the Cancel Quick Action described below for BPR File Claim Method.


The Payment Request has been returned from PRODA and it considers details missing. Please review/amend and resubmit using the Claim button at the Invoice level.

Set via the API response from PRODA. Not applicable when Claim Method is set to BPR File.

Awaiting Approval

The Payment Request has been submitted to PRODA and Maica is awaiting a response.

The Payment Request will be set to this Status following the BPR File export. Not generally applicable when the Claim Method is set to API as the response is in real time.



Pending Payment

The Payment Request has been accepted/approved by PRODA and Maica is awaiting payment confirmation.

When Claim Method is set to BPR File, the Results file import will set this Status for all SUCCESSFUL rows in the file. Not generally applicable when the Claim Method is set to API as the response is in real time.


The Payment Request has been rejected by PRODA.

When Claim Method is set to BPR File, the Results file import will set this Status for all ERROR rows in the file. When Claim Method is set to API, it will set this Status if the Claim is Rejected when the Remittance Notification is received.


The Amount (from the Paid Amount field) has been processed by PRODA.

Cancel Payment Request Quick Action

The Cancel Payment Request Quick Action is only relevant if your Claim Method is set to BPR File. If you Claim Method is set to API, you will need to use the Credit Quick Action. To learn more, click here.

Not all Payment Request records submitted to PRODA through the BPR File Claiming process are successful. You will occasionally receive an error in your BPR Response file that requires you to resolve the issue immediately within PRODA.

In this case, once you've made the appropriate changes in PRODA, you must cancel the existing Payment Request in Maica to support Reclaiming. To do so, simply click the Cancel Quick Action Button in the Payment Request record header located in the top right of your interface, as shown below.

The Cancel Quick Action Button will only be available when the Status is Awaiting Approval.

When you click Cancel, you will be shown the modal below. Select the proper Reject Reason and enter any Error Details in the text box to retain a record in Maica of the Error and what was done to rectify it.

Once you click Save, the Payment Request Status will be set to Cancelled and a new line in the Payment Request History will be created to record the change.

You should not Cancel any Payment Request in the Status of Awaiting Approval if you have not uploaded the BPR Results file.

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