New Appointment

Learn how to Create a New Appointment from the Global Actions Menu

How do I create an Appointment from the Maica Actions Menu?

To begin creating a new Appointments from the Maica Actions menu, simply click the New Appointment option and you will be presented with the New Appointment pop-up.

Similar to creating a new Appointment from the Planner, after the pop-up is presented, a few stages must be completed before the Appointment can be confirmed.

To learn more about the details and stages of creating a New Appointment, click here.

Pre-populated Fields

When creating an Appointment from the Maica Actions menu, the Date & Time will be pre-populated. Maica will pre-populate this field to the current Date & Time of the action selected, and will automatically set the Appointment duration to 60 minutes. This can be changed manually in the Basic Details stage of the Appointment creation.

You can also change your default duration in Maica Settings; click here to learn more.

Last updated