Manage Service Agreement

Learn how to Manage NDIS Service Agreements in Maica

What does the Manage Service Agreement Quick Action do?

The Manage Service Agreement tool in Maica is a Quick Action with a customised User Interface for adding, updating, and managing Services within a NDIS Service Agreement. Manage Service Agreement allows you to add new Services in the form of Agreement Items against a Service Agreement. These Agreement Items will ultimately form the base of your Appointments or Shifts.

Where do I find the Manage Service Agreement button?

The Manage Service Agreement function is visible at the top right hand corner of your interface on the Service Agreement record, as shown below.

This function is only available when the Funding Type is set to one of the options listed on the NDIS Agreements page. To learn more about these options, click here.

How do I manage my Service Agreement?

In order to begin managing your Service Agreement and adding Services, simply click the Manage Service Agreement button to display the pop-up, as shown below.

The main function within the Manage Service Agreement function is adding Agreement Items, however, before you start adding Agreement Items, there are some other fields to populate, including:

Field Description

Start Date

This field is defaulted to the Start Date of your Service Agreement. When adding Agreement Items, they will default to this Date, however, the Start Date of each Item is adjustable.

End Date

This field is also defaulted to the End Date of your Service Agreement. Similar to the Start Date, when adding Agreement Items, they will default to this Date, however, the End Date of each Item is adjustable. You can also quickly apply the same End Date to all items by entering the desired Date and checking the box next to the End Date field.

Price List

This is the Price List associated with the Service Agreement. If you wish to change the associated Price List, you can do so within the Manage Service Agreement pop-up. To learn more about Price List's, click here.

After you have populated the above fields, you can begin adding Agreement Items.

To do so, click the Add + button on the far right hand side of the interface.

Maica will then ask you to choose between Category or Item funding. Choose, your preference, and your Agreement Item record will be added and become ready to be populated. An Agreement Line Item contains a number of fields that are required to be populated before the record is submitted, as shown below.

Each field is explained in further detail in the table below:

Field Description

Start Date

The Start Date for each Agreement Item is defaulted to the Start Date of your Service Agreement, however it is adjustable within the confines of your Service Agreement period (Start & End Dates).

End Date

The End Date for each Agreement Item is defaulted to the End Date of your Service Agreement, however it is adjustable within the confines of your Service Agreement period (Start & End Dates).

Support Category

This field is a dropdown of all available Support Categories within the NDIS.

Support Item

If you selected Item Funding when adding your Agreement Item, this field is a selectable dropdown of all available Support Items within the chosen Support Category. If you selected Category Funding when adding your Agreement Item, this field will not be available as Maica will use the chosen Support Category to bill against.


This is a manual input field that allows for you to set a desired Quantity. This is essentially the duration of a Service. A Quantity of 1 is equivalent to 1 hour. It is also used to calculate the Total Quantity.


This is a customisable field that represents the cost per unit of quantity of the chosen Support Category or Item. It is automatically populated from the associated Price List, however it can be adjusted if desired.


This field shows a multiplication of the Quantity and Rate to represent the overall cost of the Agreement Item.

Utilisation %

This field is available if your selected Funding Type is any from the specified list shown here, other than Combination. It represents the proportion of the allocated budget that has been used for a particular support item, calculated as a percentage of the total available funds for that item. It helps track whether spending is within budget (under 100%) or has exceeded the allocated amount (over 100%).

Funding Type

This field is available only if your selected Funding Type is Combination. It is a selectable dropdown to allow you to chose a specific Funding Type for each Agreement Item. If this is the case, you can see the Utilisation % in the Agreement Item record once submitted.

Once you have finalised your Agreement Items, click Submit to save your changes.

What happens after I click Submit ?

After you click Submit, Maica will update the Service Agreement and any associated records to match your changes. An Agreement History record will be created, as well as individual records for all your Agreement Items.

To learn more about an Agreement Item Record, click here.

The Service Agreement Summary will also be generated, showing you all your Agreement Items and total overall Budget on an interactive graph, as shown below.

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