Manage a Shift

Learn about managing Shifts in Maica.

How do I manage a Shift in Maica?

Once a Shift has been created, you may want to change some of the details, such as the Resource(s) or Checklist(s) applicable to the Shift. All this can be done via the Manage Shift processes outlined in this article.

In order to begin Managing a Shift, simply click on the Shift in your Planner. To then manage the fields, click the edit button in the bottom right corner of the Manage Shift screen, as shown below.

Until you click this button, all fields will be read-only.

Which Shift sections can I manage?

Once editing, you are able to manage the following sections:

In this section you can manage the Resource(s) and Asset(s) allocated to your selected Shift. Similarly to Creating a Shift, you can do this by simply typing the name of a Resource or Asset (or multiple), or by clicking on the Filter icon which allows for Smart Selection of any of the above mentioned.

You can also adjust Date & Time Information.

Shift Services

This section allows you to manage your existing Shift Service(s) as well as add new Shift Service(s) if needed.

The following fields are manageable:



Click this button to add additional Shift Service(s).


Change the quantity of a Shift Service to control how long each Service may be delivered within a Shift. The quantity of an Shift Service is further explained here.


This number outlines the number of Shift Service(s) that are connected to your Shift.


Click this button to mark this Shift Service as cancelled, this will exclude this Service from your Shift. After this button has been selected, you can reselect it to add the Service back if desired.

This section enables the editing of the Location at which the Shift is being held through a lookup to all your stored Locations.

You can also manage the associated Accomodations at this stage.

The focus of this section is to edit the Checklist(s) applicable to this Shift. You can do so through a Checklist lookup.

The focus of this section is to edit the Instructions associated with this Shift. You can do so through a text input.

The Custom Fields tab captures any information from Custom Fields that have been added to your Organisations Appointment profile beyond what Maica offers. This section allows for the management of already added fields, not the addition of new fields.

To learn about creating a Recurring Schedule for a Shift, please click here.

When editing a Recurring Schedule, you have two options.

1. Edit the Master Shift

The Master Shift in a series of Recurring Shift is seen to be the blueprint of what will be created in future Shifts, and is the initial Shift created. It includes all details for the Shift, such as Resource(s), Location, Date & Time Information, etc. This means that any modifications made to the Master Shift will affect all subsequent Recurring Shifts generated, thus adjustments should be carefully examined.

You can identify a Master Shift in Maica by the following icon and tooltip:

If you edit the Master Shift, Maica will prompt you to confirm that you would like to apply changes to all future Shifts, as shown below.

Edit a Subsequent Shift

Editing any subsequent Shift within a series of Recurring Shifts gives you the option to either apply changes to just the Shifts being edited or to all future Shifts. Again, Maica will prompt you to confirm which option you would like to apply the changes to, as shown below.

If you select to apply changes only to the Shift being edited only, then Maica will remove this Shift from the Recurring Schedule and effectively turn this Shift into a single Shift with all changes reflected.

Saving your Shift

Once you have made the changes, either click the Tick icon to confirm your changes and update your Appointment, or the Undo icon on the bottom left of the screen to cancel your changes.

Last updated