Manage Unavailability

Learn about how Resources can manage their Unavailability within Maica

What does the Manage Unavailability Tool do?

Maica supports the management of Unavailability records which essentially mark any given Resource as not available for inclusion into an Appointment or Shift.

The Manage Unavailability Tool essentially allows you to manage and create these records directly from the Planner, as demonstrated below.

Managing Unavailability

Maica offers the ability to either create a single Unavailability for any given Resource or multiple at the same time by simply adding multiple Resources into the Resources(s) input.

It is important to note that if multiple Resources are selected, Maica will create an individual Unavailability record for each Resource to ensure that each Resource can manage their own Unavailability.

Creating a new Unavailability Record

To create a new Unavailability record, simply click on the Unavailability icon in Maica's Planner, select the + New button and complete the fields as per the below screenshot.

Where multiple Resources are selected, any future Recurring Unavailability records will be created via Maica's batch feature so you might not see these in the Planner straight away.

  1. Start and End Date/Time

The Start and End date and time of the Unavailability.

  1. Resource(s)

The Resource(s) for whom the Unavailability record will be created.

  1. Type

  1. Status

  1. Notes

Additional notes that can be taken during the creation of the Unavailability.

  1. Create a corresponding Timesheet

This indicates that a corresponding timesheet activity will be generated for each Unavailability.

  1. This is a Recurring Unavailability

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