Appointment Cost Calculation
Learn about how Maica Client Care calculates the cost of Appointments.
Maica Client Care calculates the cost of Appointments, both for single or recurring Appointments and validates this against an active service agreement for each participant, as shown in the below video.
Cost Calculation of a single Appointment
The cost of a single Appointment is calculated based on the applicable support item; this is determined by the Service Day
, Service Time
, as well as the associated appointment service from which the support items are taken.
Cost Calculation of a Recurring Appointment
The cost of a recurring Appointment takes the single Appointment cost calculation and spans this across the projected timeline of the recurring series. The following values are calculated:
Cost of the individual Appointment (any one instance within the recurring series)
Total Utilised which accumulates over time to add up to all Appointments in the recurring series
Total Remaining which are the funds remaining following the completion of the Appointments within the recurring series.
Price Book Selection based on Service Region
Maica offers the ability to charge different prices for the same Support Item depending on the Service Region, including:
National Non Remote
National Remote
National Very Remote
In order for this to function correctly, select the Non Remote
price book on the Service Agreement
, as there are arranged by State
and let Maica
find the Remote
and Very Remote.
In order for Maica to know which Price Book to use, an attribute called Service Region
exists on both the Price Book
and the Appointment
. Maica uses the following execution logic to evaluate from which Price Book
to draw the unit price of the support item:
Service Region
on theAppointment
is marked asDefault
then pricing will be derived from theService Aagreement
, either using the associatedPrice Book
or a statedRate
Service Region
is any other value, Maica will find the correspondingPrice Book
marked with the sameService Region
as theAppointment
and use this pricing.
In order to set the Service Region
, bring this field into the Appointment
using custom fields via Setting
. The default value for Service Region
is Default
so if this feature is not required, simply don't change anything.
Last updated