Unavailability & Breaks

Learn about being able to manage Resource Unavailability & Appointment Breaks

When using the Planner, it is possible to enable your care team (Maica Client Care Resources) to manage their own unavailability directly within this solution.

This process is managed using the Manage Unavailability button on the Planner.

Once initiated, the following screen will show to allow you to enter various types of unavailability records, including leave, personal, or training (these types can easily be extended using Salesforce Picklist configuration).

You are able to manage all unavailbilities in a single screen as well as add new ones by clicking the New button.

The following attributes are available when creating an unavailability record for the selected Resource.


Start Date/Time

The start date and time of the unavailbility record against the selected resource(s).

End Date/Time

The end date and time of the unavailbility record against the selected resource(s).


The resource(s) this unavailability applies to once created.


A configurable picklist of unavailability type values that can be selected when creating the record.


A configurable picklist of unavailability status values that can be selected when creating the record.


The ability to take some additional notes to provide further context as to why this record is being created.

For all picklist values, standard Salesforce permissions can be applied to limit access to certain values. The provided Maica Client Care picklist values can also be extended using standard Salesforce configuration tools.

It is also possible to create a corresponding Timesheet entry by simply toggling the Create corresponding Timesheet.

Resource Selection User Experience

When creating an Unavailability record, it is possible to select multiple Resources and apply this to all selected records. To get started, click on the Filter icon to show the below screen.

You can apply further filters here to find the appropriate Reources for which to create Unavailibility records.

Appointment Breaks

Appointment breaks are a special type of unavailability as they occur within the time of an appointment; this information is usually passed through to an award interpreter for payroll purposes.

Creating appointment breaks is done via the appointment itself by clicking the Coffee cup at the bottom of the appointment screen.

This will bring up a special version of the Create Unavailbility feature that is pre-selected as an Appointment Break and validates that the Start Time and End Time fall within the time(s) of the appointment.

Last updated