Appointment Validation

Learn about the various validations for Maica Client Care Appointments

Maica Client Care validates Appointments as they are created or managed using the following rules.

Appointment Service Validation against Service Agreements

When an Appointment Service is added to an Appointment, Maica Client Care validates that this funding is available with the associated service agreement for a given participant using the following rules:

  • If the service agreement only has stated support items funded (in other words, no category funding), then the selected appointment service within an Appointment must have this specific support item associated with it.

  • If the service agreement also has category funding (bucket) available, then Maica Client Care will check for any available support item within this funding category associated with the selected appointment service.

In other words, if a given service agreement does not have category (or bucket) funding available, then the exact support item from the service agreement must be present in the selected appointment service. If a given service agreement does have category (or bucket) funding available, then any support item from this category can be used within the appointment service.

Participant Appointment Overlap

The Setting in Appointment Management -> Allow Participant Overlap determines whether or not Maica Client Care allows for any given participant to have more than one Appointment at the same time. This can be enabled/disabled via this Setting.

Resource Appointment Overlap

The Setting in Appointment Management -> Allow Resource Overlap determines whether or not Maica Client Care allows for any given resource to have more than one Appointment at the same time. This can be enabled/disabled via this Setting.

Salesforce Validation Rules

In addition to the above Appointment validations, Maica Client Care also adheres to Salesforce Validation Rules. This enables you to create any validation rules required as part of the Appointment management process and Maica Client Care will adhere to this.

Salesforce Vaildation Rules can be created against the following Maica Custom Objects

  • Appointment

  • Appointment Schedule

  • Appointment Resource

  • Client Note

  • Delivery Activity

To set up a Salesforce Validation Rule for Maica Client Care to adhere to, use the below code structure:

AND( $Setup.maica__General_Setting__c.maica__Allow_Skipping_Validation_Rules__c != TRUE, [YOU CUSTOM LOGIC GOES HERE] )

The segment

AND( $Setup.maica__General_Setting__c.maica__Allow_Skipping_Validation_Rules__c != TRUE, [YOU CUSTOM LOGIC GOES HERE] )

determines whether Maica Client Care will either warn the user only but allow the saving of the record or block the saving of the record completely if a Salesforce Validation Rule is triggered.

Last updated