Invoice Entry

Learn about how Maica allows you to submit Invoices to Salesforce easily and reliably.

There are a number of ways an Invoice can be created in Salesforce using the Maica solution including manually entering it or submitting it via Salesforce' API. This article focuses on the Invoice Entry Screen provided by Maica to easily and reliably submit Invoices to Salesforce whilst validating the Participants underlying funding structures.

Let's see it in action - video

Before we describe the process in detail, we thought it would be good to see the Invoice Entry in action, so please have a look at the below animation or view the full video here.

The Invoice Entry component contains a number of Validations and Alerts to assist and guide you as you add the Invoice details. These are described in detail in the Alerts & Validation article below.

Manual Invoice Entry

The way to get started with manually entering an Invoice is to simply click the New Invoice button within Salesforce. This button has a Lightning Experience Override, meaning that it will open our Add New Service Invoice component (maica:InvoiceEntryQA), as opposed to the standard New record screen, presented when you click New for other objects.

Overall, in order to successfully create an Invoice, we need to collect some specific information such as:

  • Who the Invoice is from (the Provider)

  • Who the Invoice is for (the Participant)

  • The Invoice Number

  • The way the Invoice should be claimed

  • The Invoice Line Item detail

The screen below shows you what a completed Invoice would look like with a description of each input field.

Invoice Entry Input Fields

At the top level, we collect the following information to set up the overall structure of the Invoice.


The Provider is the service provider who has issued the Invoice and on whose behalf this Invoice is being entered. Providers can be found by searching on either Organisation Name or ABN which Maica will use to present a list all Account records in Salesforce matching this criteria. Directly underneath the Provider name, Maica displays the ABN stored for the Provider so it's easier for you to distinguish between Providers with the same name.

In cases where you are delivering services to your Participants, the Provider field would be your own Organisation (Account) record.

Maica respects your existing data access rules when searching for and displaying Provider (Account) records. Meaning the user needs to have access to Read the Account in order for it to be displayed in the Maica Invoice Entry component.

Participant (NDIS Number)

The Participant is the person who received the services for which the Invoice is being submitted/entered. The majority of the time a Participant can be found in the list by typing in the NDIS Number or the Name.

Once a Participant has been selected, their Active Plan information is in a handy info panel directly below so you can start to understand the budget position whilst submitting the Invoice. The exact criteria for displaying the Info Panel is defined in the Alerts & Validation (Active Plan Info Panel) page.

Invoice Date, Due Date, and Invoice Number

This is the Date, Due Date, and Invoice Number of the Invoice as stipulated by the Provider issuing the Invoice for submission.

Funding Structure

The funding structure offers three choices on how to submit this Invoice to Maica, including Plan Managed, Agency Managed, or Self-Funded. Let's have a look at how these two behave differently, including:

  • Agency Managed Invoices are validated against an existing and active Plan as well as any associated Service Booking. Without a valid Service Booking, you cannot submit an Agency Managed Invoice as Maica validates the required funding structures are in place to submit this Invoice.

When entering the Line Item details For Agency Managed Invoices, Maica enforces some specific Service Booking based validation. This is described in the Invoice Entry Alerts & Validation (Funding Structure Validation) page.

  • Plan Managed Invoices are aimed at providing an Invoice to the plan manager for a given participant. This means that Maica will automatically generate an invoice and send this to the associated plan manager for a participant (via a lookup on the Contact profile).

The automatic generation of Invoices is part of Maica's Client Care solution which is provisioned as a separate solution package.

  • Self-Funded Invoices are aimed at scenarios in which there might not be an active Plan; this could be because Maica couldn't synchronise the Plan or the Participant did not give consent to synchronise the Plan or the Invoice is funded outside the NDIS funding structures.

When selecting self-funded Invoices, all recorded Support Categories will be shown when entering Invoice Line Items regardless of available funding or not. This effectively opens up the Invoice to enter any Support Category and Support Item needed.

Claim Behaviour

This is where some of the magic happens when entering and submitting Invoices to Maica. A few options exist when setting this value that will impact Maica's behaviour differently, including if a Payment Request record is created or not to facilitate PRODA Claims.

The Claim Behaviour options are described further below:

Once the Invoice has been reviewed and deemed ready to claim, simply change the Claim Behaviour value to Claim Immediately (for API Claim Method).

In cases where you would like to dispatch Invoices to either Plan Managers or Participants, you can learn more about how to do this here.

Adding Invoice Line Items

The real heartbeat of an Invoice is the Invoice Line Item which captures all the required information to either dispatch the Invoice or claim the Invoice from the NDIS. This section provides you with some more detail around what the various input fields are for an Invoice Line Item, including:

Service Date

This is the date on which the service was delivered (as opposed to when the Invoice was raised); it is important to capture the service date to understand what the applicable rate was at the time the service was delivered as well as what budget was available within the Service Bookings funding the Invoice. Maica uses standard Salesforce Price Books to control pricing of Support Items. You can learn more about Salesforce Products and Price Books below.

Support Category

The Support Category is shown based on the available Service Booking funding at the time of service delivery, in other words, whatever Support Categories the Participant had funding for at the time the service was delivered will be shown to you.

This is described in more detail in the Invoice Entry Alerts & Validation section below.

If the Invoice Funding Type is set to Plan Managed, Service Bookings will be filtered as described above. If the Invoice Funding Type is set to Self-Funded, no filters will be applied to Support Categories and all will be available for selection.

Support Item

The selection of the Support Item will depend on what Support Category was selected, all associated Support Items (which are managed as Salesforce Products) will be shown to you and are available for selection. Here is an example of what a Support Items might look like when configured in Salesforce as a Product.

Claim Type

The Claim Type is automatically set from the selected Support Item (Product) as you can see in the above screenshot, so there is no need to enter/change this unless this is required.

Most of the time, we expect this value to be simply read from the Support Item and preset for an Invoice Line Item.


The Quantity captures how many of a particular Support Item is being captured, for example a Speech Therapy session will have a quantity of 1 but if multiple sessions are being invoiced, you can use quantity to set this.


The Rate is determined by Maica based on the Service Date and what Price Book the Support Item was (or continues to be) associated with. If only a single Price Book was associated with the Support Item, the rate will be preset but can be changed.

Based on the Participant, Maica attempts to default the Price Book based on the logic below. The Price Book can still be changed, this is just to help streamline your Invoice Line Item entry.

  • If the Participant has an Active Service Agreement with the Invoice Provider

    • That Price Book will be set as the default

  • If no Active Service Agreement

    • Default the Price Book based on Participant's State (Contact.MailingState)

  • If > 1 Price Book records are returned (based on the State example)

    • Default the most recent Price Book based on Last Sync Date (this is generally CreatedDate)

    • Please note: this does not support the REMOTE and VERY REMOTE Pricebook as these cannot be mapped to the Contact Mailing State

If the Support Item exists in multiple Price Books at the time of service, a dropdown to the right of the rate will be available for you to select the Price Book you wish to use. You can see an example of this in the image below.

Only Active (IsActive = TRUE) Price Book records are displayed

GST Code

The GST Code is automatically set from the selected Support Item (Product) as you can see in the above screenshot, so there is no need to enter/change this unless this is required.

Most of the time, we expect this value to be simply read from the Support Item and preset for an Invoice Line Item.

In cases where multiple Invoice Line Items are required across a date range, the best way to do this is to duplicate the Invoice Line Item row and change the date. Maica does not support entering Invoice Line Items across a date range, as each Invoice Line Item must be claimed individually.

Adding Multiple Invoice Line Items

There may be a scenario where you need to create multiple Invoice Lines for the same Support Item that has been delivered over consecutive days. Rather than creating a single Line Item and cloning it, the Add Multiple button on the Invoice Entry allows you to generate multiple Line Items with shared characteristics.

Clicking the Add Multiple button presents the modal below:

Click confirm and watch Maica do the following:

  • Generate the Line Items based on the Number of Lines value

  • For each Line Item, the Service Date will increase sequentially from the First Service Date based on the Number of Lines

  • For example, if you entered:

    • First Service Date = 05/09/2022

    • Number of Lines = 5

  • A total of 5 Invoice Lines would be added for the dates 05/09 to 09/09

  • All Invoice Lines will have the same attributes (Quantity/Rate/Support Item/Claim Type)

When using the Add Multiple option, there are some very important things to note:

  • No alerts based on budget/agreement are displayed in the modal, these can only be seen after the Line Items are added

  • If any of the dates fall on a weekend or public holiday - the normal validation will not apply and will need to be manually corrected

  • The max date range will be 1 month (31 days)

  • The default filter applied to the Support Item lookup is:

    • IsActive = TRUE

    • The Product has at least one Active PricebookEntry

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